About The Author

Hello World! I am a Military spouse and a mother of 4 wonderful and talented children. This Blog will be full of our military family lifestyle including the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I will be posting past and present interviews and photos of artists and bands as I build my portfolio of Journalism.

You will also discover my money saving ideas involving DIY projects, tackling debt, and building your savings!

I am very artistic, I love music and when the kids & I are alone we turn up the tunes and dance like no one is watching!

I was a mom at the age of 16 and I love my kids with my whole heart and soul!

Uprooting for anyone is a challenge but in our life, we follow and support my husband in his career. But I have learned with each move; it’s not what you leave behind, it’s what you take with you.


Uprooted Momma