No high fructose corn syrup here!

High Fructose Corn Syrup, YUCK!

Ever looked into how many of your household favorites carry this ingredient? It’s astonishing….

How to slowly eliminate these products..

Recently I’ve done some research and found that HFCS is in so many kid favorite items including one huge favorite in our house, CHOCOLATE MILK SYRUP/POWDER!

Did you know that many ingredients now say “natural flavoring” to mask the avoidable ingredient of HFCS?

I’ve started trying to experiment with the two items we use most and once I’m able to wean the kids and I off of these items I’ll go even further and try to eliminate the sugar aspect and choose a better alternative; but for now anything is better than HFCS.

Chocolate Milk powder:

  1. Small Mason jar with lid
  2. Unsweetened Cocoa powder
  3. Sugar or substitute
  4. Salt (trust me!)

I keep the Mason jar on our counter so it’s easy for Keira to access it. And once the mixture is made it’ll take some time for you to develop a routine and measured amount to equal the typical taste you are used to pouring into your cup before adding the milk.

For now let’s mix the ingredients together:

  1. 2/3 cup sugar
  2. 1/3 cup cocoa powder
  3. Pinch of salt

Add to jar screw on lid and shake! Wasn’t that easy?

This next part is a bit more tricky.

You can either make a few days of syrup ahead of time and store in fridge or do like we do; each day we make what we need (usually it’s one cup of chocolate milk with breakfast)

Get your cup and 1 tablespoon of powdered mix then add 1/2 tsp of hot water (our water dispenser has a hot water button) then stir until powder is mostly dissolved. (Doing this avoids a clumpy mess when you try adding powder to cold milk)

Then you can add desired amount of milk or dairy substitute. Stir and enjoy!