Walk Off the Earth – Interview with Sarah

After being invited to watch Walk Off the Earth in Portland, Maine I got a chance to do a Q&A session through email with Sarah. Click below to read more……

What places did you visit while in Maine during the tour?

  • We walked around the cute little downtown and went to a delish restaurant right at the harbor. Ate lots and lots of lobster!!

What has been your most memorable part of the US tour in general?

  • Getting to experience it without my kids and really focusing on myself. It helped me do my job the best I can without any distractions.

Most embarrassing moment on or off stage this tour?

  • I fell once and landed in a way where I rolled and then caught myself on stage! But I kept singing.

Explain the band’s synergy; and has it always been a natural connection?

  • We all have our unique styles and favorite genres of music. So, I think as a band when we come together we produce music that works and is a real collaborative effort.

Let’s talk MOM STUFF:

You’ve mentioned the kids going on the road with you in the past, were they with you on this leg of the tour? Explain those struggles (if any). 

  • This is the very first tour without bringing any of the kids! I realized how much energy they take from me when we are on the road and that was always a real struggle. As much as I missed them I felt I could put 100% into my performance and have some time for myself.

If your kids aren’t on tour with you, I assume you have family to help, but how difficult is that for you and G to be away from them and how do you keep the connection going? 

  • We are so lucky, as we have a lot of support from our families and grandparents who take care of the kids when we are gone. It’s always hard being away from them but I Face-time them every day and I came home for 24-hours to spent the day with them on our day off during the US Tour.

Do they understand how cool their parents are?

  • I don’t think they understand yet but their friends and teachers recognize who we are and are really excited about what we do. 

Are the kids all musically talented?

  • Yes. Giorgio has been practicing the drums and is getting pretty good. We even did a music video with him during Christmas where he sings. Luigi, we aren’t totally sure yet. He’s started to take some interest in the piano. But Romeo is our prodigy child. He’s not even 2 yet and he sings while walking around strumming any uke or guitar he can get his hands on. You can put any instrument in front of him and he kind of figures out how to get noises out of it and sings along.

What’s your favorite part about being a mom?

  • All the love and snuggles I get from them. And just watching them learn and grow into funny little humans!

Any more kids in the plan? 

  • Nope, we are officially done!

How did you and G meet?

So, I hired Gianni to record vocals for me with a band that I was working and traveling with at the time. He was also working on a project and later asked me if I would sing on it, as they wanted female vocals. After that, I recorded one more album with him and then we basically started collaborating together. That’s when I decided to join Walk off the Earth and I started dating Gianni.

As a mom of 4, I can relate to mom life, however during these times I feel so many people try to push advice or opinions on how we may choose to parent our children; and often times it can really make a mom question her abilities. What would you say to those moms who feel defeated in motherhood; who don’t feel like they are doing enough when really, it’s the best they can do?

  • You will always know what’s best for your child. Advice is always helpful when you are looking for it but follow your instincts! Not everyone will agree but you are their mother, not them.

Explain the day in the life of your household? Is it calm, hectic, or is there music playing daily? Or all of the above?

  • I would say all the above. Our kids love watching our videos so our music is constantly blasting through the house! Three boys is definitely a handful.

Do you and G have family traditions you have carried on from your childhood or have you created new ones?

  • Christmas is definitely our favorite holiday and our traditions are the same as most people – We eat lots and lots of yummy food and hang out with family. We tend to go a little overboard with decorating and the boys love helping with that.

Besides your kids and music what is your passion?

  • I would say health and wellness. I have a passion for Yoga and was a teacher for a while.

Besides your kids and music what is your biggest accomplishment?

  • My kids will always be my biggest accomplishment.

I know you and G have a very unique sleeping arrangement and it works for you two very well; however, how does that work when it comes to who takes care of the kids in the middle of the night if needed? How was it when the kids were infants? 

  • Gianni is a night owl so he would be up if and when the kids would wake up in the middle of the night. I always wanted to be on the same level as them, also because I get up with the boys in the morning and get them ready for school.

 Have you ever done any USO tours for the military? 

  • No, we haven’t but hopefully one day we can! I would love to.

In closing let’s do some one word answers (it’s really OK if you use more than one word, there are no official rules):

1. Favorite Food: Italian

2. Favorite color: Green

3. Favorite sport: Yoga and running

4. Favorite band/artist (because all artists have a favorite band or artist that isn’t themselves): Pink

5. Favorite dessert: Vanilla ice cream & Reese’s peanut butter cups

6. First thing G said to you before you knew he was the one: He would write cute little texts to me.

7. Who said I love you first: I said I think I’m in love with you and he said I know love you. So, it was kind of both of us

8. Biggest fear: Dying

9. How many siblings: 2 (one brother and one sister)

10. Any pets? None!

Check out the photos from the show in the June Archives!