Toddler shenanigans…

Walking the dog with E (the toddler) and K (the tween)….

K: look those are bunny poops

E: bunny poop tastes like spiders

Me: how do you know what spiders taste like?

E: spiders taste like chicken!

Me: ok….

Can't make this up folks…. sometimes I often wonder where he comes up with this stuff … has he eaten a spider and do they really taste like chicken? Gross!

I love E's little boy imagination and K loves to feed into it, she enjoys his reactions the most.


Holy cow what a day!

Do you ever wonder how you can stop and take pictures of things gone wrong when you’re so upset over what just happened? Well of course I had to take a picture! I’m a blogger!

Rewind to 3am when the hubby was getting ready to leave on his trip…. I couldn’t fall back asleep after he left and then at 5:30 my youngest wakes up ready to play! 

Bring on the coffee!

Continue reading “Holy cow what a day!”


Welcome to my exciting new website where I will allow you into my life and share with you my journey as a military wife. We uproot our family every few years and with that comes new challenges and of course STRESS! I believe it’s all in how you handle it and persevere.

Continue reading “Welcome!”